
+234 (802) 8258-986







Soul Winning

SHIELDS OF GOLD FOUNDATION is basically a prison ministry. Our vision and mission are based strictly on God’s divine instructions. This foundation is structured specifically to save and rescue the lost in prison through the preaching of the Word of God, Jesus Christ.
In November 2014, the founder Barr . Victoria Dike saw a revelation where God instructed and led her to win souls in prison Matt 25v36


Many inmates in prison today come from dysfunctional homes, either without mother or father or both to train them up with good morals. Several due to the economic hardship and frustration in the country took to the wrong ways. Many lacked direction or knowledge as to what to do or what not to do. One thing or the other has led them to the prison which may or may not be any fault of theirs.

Jesus came basically for the lost John 3v16. He said “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” Lk 5:32 Likewise Jesus does not wish that any should perish in prison or anywhere but that all should come to repentance.2 Pet 3v9 This has fueled our zeal to reach out to them with the gift of salvation and to see that all of them come to repentance and become better citizens in the society.
Our main vision on which others lie is WINNING SOULS. Since 2014, in every prison outreach and by His grace we have been winning souls in prison to Jesus Christ through the preaching of the Word of God and hundreds have surrendered genuinely to God and turned a new leaf. GLORY BE TO GOD!